Nicoles Zuckerwerk – Dein Back-Coach
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Ganache I Recipe in English Language

Hello my loves <3
I am always asked for the recipe for the chocolate ganache, so I am writing it to you today so that you will find it easier in the future, in this blog post.

What is ganache?
Ganache is a chocolate mass that is ideal for brushing and smoothing cakes, so they can be covered with fondant.

Is Ganache suitable for fondant?
Yes. Cream alone is not suitable for fondant, but in combination with chocolate the fat content predominates and therefore it is an ideal base for fondant cakes.

Which chocolate can I make ganache with?
Theoretically, every chocolate goes. However, they change the mixing ratios depending on the type of chocolate. Chunky chocolate, so z. B. with nuts, grapes, etc. are not suitable for fondant pies, but ideal for filling a cake.

What are the mixing ratios?
For a solid ganache, which is suitable as a base for fondant pies, I recommend the following mixing ratios:
Dark chocolate 300g – whipped cream 200g
Whole milk 400g – whippes cream 200g
White chocolate 600g – whipped cream 200g
Stuffed chocolate (eg chocolate for children, nougat etc.) 600g – whipped cream 200g

A soft ganache is ideal for filling cakes, but also ideal as a chocolates filling. Here I recommend the following Mischverhälnisse:
Dark chocolate 200g – whipped cream 300g
Milk chocolate 300g – whipped cream 200g
White chocolate 400g – whipped cream 300g
Filled chocolates (eg chocolate for children, nougat etc.) 400g – whipped cream 200g

How is ganache made?
To do this, first chop the chocolate and then bring the whipped cream to a boil in a pot (of course, this can also be done in the microwave). Once this cooks off the heat and add to the chopped chocolate


Stir gently to cover the chocolate with the whipped cream.

Now put a lid on the pot and let rest for 5 minutes.

Then the ganache is stirred with a spatula or a spatula (TIP: do not stir with a whisk, because just when you need them to spread your „Fondanttorten“, here is unnecessary air taken and this should of course be avoided), until they have a beautiful and uniform consistency. Now it should cool to room temperature for several hours.

Solid ganache can be spread on the cakes after cooling, soft ganache, which you need for filling, should be well opened again with an electric hand mixer.

How long is ganache tough?
Chilled, it is about 5 days in the refrigerator durable and should have room temperature before use. Leftovers can be frozen.

Your Nicole

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