Nicoles Zuckerwerk – Dein Back-Coach
english blogpostRezepte

3D EMOJI Cake I How to Make Three Tiered Emoji Cake

Hello my dears ♥

This blog post is based on my associated video. So if you want to bake the cake, please watch the video, where I explain the production and the stacking of the 3 pies.

What have I used for the pie on recipes?

For the lower ball (20cm diameter) I have 2 x the Wunderkuchenrezept * HERE * mixed and baked in a bowl. For baking, I used the stainless steel bowl „Blanda“ from Ikea.

It is important that the bowl is well greased and floured. After baking, cool the cake for about 20 minutes and then tumble out of the bowl and allow to cool completely. I myself have the experience that the cake is better then out of shape, as if it is completely cooled in it.

Nicoles Zuckerwerk Emoji-Torte 4

For the middle ball, I made 1 x the sponge cake recipe * HERE * in the chocolate version and divided into the Wilton bakeware and baked. Again, after a short cooling, topple the cakes out of the mold and allow to cool completely on a cooling grid.

Nicoles Zuckerwerk Emoji-Torte 3

For the top, the smallest cake I used the small 12cm diameter stainless steel bowls „Blanda“ from Ikea, a 1/2 „Wunderkuchen“ * HERE * baked in the coconut version – I used coconut milk in liquid and additionally I have 40g grated coconut in the dough touched.

Nicoles Zuckerwerk Emoji-Torte 2

Besides, I have to fill
– a serving of Italian meringue buttercream – recipe * HERE *
– one serving of dark chocolate ganache and one serving of white chocolate ganache – recipe * HERE *
– half a serving of coconut buttercream – recipe * HERE * – prepared.

For covering I used 2.5 kg yellow colored Massa Ticino Tropic Fondantr. All other products that I have used can be found by clicking on the products here:

Stainless steel bowl, 20cm
Stainless steel bowl, 12cm
Wilton baking pan for balls
Cake board, coated
Tortensäge / sponge base Schneider
Edible glue
Mini angle pallet
Baking spray
Brush (set)
Food coloring, lemon yellow
Food coloring, golden yellow
Fondantglätter / Smoother
modeling tools
Rolling bar, big
Rolling bar, small
Ausrollhilfen / Teigstäbe
Silicone pad, big
Silicone pad, small

I cut my cake boards from Kapa plates. These are lightweight foam boards that can be cut with a craft knife or craft scalpel.
KAPA plate 10mm
Directly below the pies I use thinner KAPA plates
KAPA plate 5mm
craft scalpel

Have fun baking!
Your Nicole

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