Nicoles Zuckerwerk – Dein Back-Coach
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Teddy Bear Cake I english Blogpost

Hello my darlings.

Fitting with my 3D Teddy bear video, which you can find HERE, I wrote down the recipe and ingredients of the cake for you and link them here.


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I worked on this cake for 2 days. On the first day, I covered the cake board, which had a diameter of 30cm, with fondant and decorated it. In addition, I baked the cakes and prepared the dark chocolate ganache.
On the second day, I filled the cake, prepared the buttercreme and completely finished the cake. That took me 4 hours without taking the cooling times into account that the cake needed. Definately plan in enough time, or distribute the tasks between two days.
For the teddy bear, I baked double the recipe of the „Wunderkuchen“ in the chocolate version. First of all, I prepared 1,5 times the recipe and distributed it between 4 hemispheric baking tins (2x 16cm and 2x 12 cm in diameter). The small cakes took 40 minutes and the bigger ones 55 minutes in the oven. Keeping in mind that every oven bakes differently, check your cakes regularly and test if it is ready with a cocktail stick or tooth pick. After the cakes baked, I put them to the side to cool down. I then did another half of the „Wunderkuchen“ recipe, also in the chocolate version, and baked it in a 22cm diameter baking tin. After baking, I also put that cake to the side to cool down ready to use the next day.
I prepared a dark chocolate ganache, you can find the recipe HERE. I made double the amount written in the recipe, and let it cool down to room temperature. The dark chocolate ganache helps make the cake more stable preventing the cake to fall over or to collapse. Therefore I would recommend to not miss out this step. Keep approximately 3 tablespoons of the ganache for the buttercreme!
I decorated the teddy bear with the italian meringue buttercreme, to which I added those 3 leftover tablespoons of ganache so that it not only tastes like chocolate, but also looks like the fur of a teddy bear in terms of colour. Alternatively rather than using the ganache, you can use food dyes. You can find the recipe HERE. Double the portion is needed.
Definately watch the video all the way until the end so that all your questions get answered. If you still have any remaining questions, you can either contact me via the comments section here or on YouTube or just drop me an E-Mail ( or a private message on facebook.
Best wishes.
Yours Nicole :*

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1 Kommentar

Julia 4. August 2018 at 10:51

Hello Nicole!
Wow! That cake looks amazing! I might make it to celebrate the birth of my nephew (and then on his birthdays until he grows tired of it)^^
It just looks so cute (and delicious!)
Well, Cheers,


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